Papar Rekod - Buku
Barcode Tajuk No Panggilan    Pengarang No Perolehan Kategori Kulit Penjilid Tarikh Disediakan Tarikh Dihantar Tarikh Diterima Status Nota
     Book   06/08/2018 10:09:54   Sent  
00003010959 Catalytic air pollution control :commercial technology TD889.H448 1995 Kejuruteraan Heck 800062367 Book Merah Samara Vision 06/08/2018 10:09:52   Sent  
     Book   25/07/2018 15:46:00   Sent  
00000940026 Mechanics for engineers :dynamics TA350.B415 1987 Kejuruteraan Beer 800034670 Book Merah Samara Vision 25/07/2018 15:45:58   Sent 4th Edition 
     Book   25/07/2018 15:25:24   Sent  
00001338493 Communicator II PE1128.M722 1995 f Kejuruteraan Molinsky 800052760 Book Biru Samara Vision 25/07/2018 15:25:22   Sent  
     Book   25/07/2018 15:24:29   Sent  
     Book   25/07/2018 15:23:04   Sent  
     Book   25/07/2018 15:20:39   Sent  
00001310599 Manual latihan kejurulatihan dalam kemahiran pencegahan dadah HV5840.M2M294 1994 f m Kejuruteraan  800053199 Book Biru Samara Vision 25/07/2018 15:20:37   Sent  
     Book   25/07/2018 15:18:45   Sent  
00001346418 Manual latihan kejurulatihan dalam kemahiran pencegahan dadah HV5840.M2M294 1994 f m Kejuruteraan  800053200 Book Biru Samara Vision 25/07/2018 15:18:44   Sent  
     Book   24/07/2018 11:52:43   Sent  
00000940026 Mechanics for engineers :dynamics TA350.B415 1987 Kejuruteraan Beer 800034670 Book Merah Samara Vision 25/07/2018 15:43:00   Cancel Cancel on 25/07/2018 15:44:02 
     Book   23/07/2018 16:22:03   Sent  
00000423912 The video implosion : models for reinventing television TK6655.V5K14 1974 f Kejuruteraan Kalba 890160585 Book Merah Samara Vision 23/07/2018 16:22:02   Sent  
     Book   23/07/2018 16:18:35   Sent  
00000770032 Plastics polymer science and technology  TP1120.P715 1982 Kejuruteraan Baijal 800020586 Book Merah Samara Vision 23/07/2018 16:18:33   Sent  
     Book   23/07/2018 16:14:20   Sent  
00000365671 The science and engineering of materials  TA403.A834 1984 Kejuruteraan Askeland 800000043 Book Merah Samara Vision 23/07/2018 16:14:18   Sent  
     Book   23/07/2018 16:06:55   Sent  
00001051916 Automation, production systems, and computer integrated manufacturing  T59.5.G8761 Kejuruteraan Groover 800043493 Book Merah Samara Vision 23/07/2018 16:06:53   Sent  
     Book   23/07/2018 15:54:43   Sent  
00003030544 Plant design and economics for chemical engineers  TP155.5.P4823 1991 Kejuruteraan Peters 800028090 Book Merah Samara Vision 23/07/2018 15:54:41   Sent 4th Edition 
     Book   23/07/2018 15:50:46   Sent  
00000489060 he Solidification and casting of metals proceedings of an international conference on solidification, organized jointly by the... TN689.2.S686 f Kejuruteraan University of Sheffield 890274503 Book Merah Samara Vision 23/07/2018 15:50:45   Sent  
     Book   23/07/2018 15:49:16   Sent  
00000489060 Solidification and casting of metals  TN689.2.S686 f Kejuruteraan University of Sheffield 890274503 Book Merah Samara Vision 23/07/2018 15:49:14   Sent Proceedings of an international conference on solidification, organized jointly by the Sheffield Met 
     Book   23/07/2018 15:26:20   Sent  
00000489060 Solidification and casting of metals  TN689.2.S686 f Kejuruteraan University of Sheffield 890274503 Book Merah Samara Vision 23/07/2018 15:42:13   Sent PROCEEDING OF AN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOLIDIFICATION, ORGANIZED JOINTLY BY THE SHEFFIELD META 
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